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Trades just wanna have fun(ds)

There’s no denying it – there’s a construction skills shortage hitting the industry hard at the moment.

So it might be music to your ears that a £22m fund has recently been announced to fund construction skills.

The Construction Skills fund aims to bring training to construction sites, so learners can apply their knowledge in real-world (or real-site) environment.

It really does make sense, especially when you think about the Government’s plans to build 300,000 houses every year by the mid 2020s. Those houses won’t build themselves, after all.

Specifically, the fund will support 20 on-site training hubs, as well as work experience and placements for those wanting to work in construction. On top of this, it will support people who are unemployed or looking to switch careers, creating a pathway into construction for them.

What do you think of this news? Tell us on Twitter @Jewson.