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Jewson Studios Presents: In-the-trade Spooky Movie Mashups

Everyone loves a good pun – especially at Halloween. We’ve been up in the attic and uncovered five bone-chilling horror movie posters, all classic films that have been re-imagined to bring to life those in-the-trade nightmares. Be warned, they’re all too real…


The Evil Shed

Got that sinking feeling? Summon the spirit (level) and sleep easy…


I know what you did to the plumber

Eerie how that lock keeps jamming?



“You have 1 new message.

“You have 2 new messages.

“You have 3 new messages.”

You have – got the idea.


The Bricker Man

The Bricker Man is a mystical character who has spent many years in obscurity. However, he’s a hero to those who know their rectangular units.

Paranormal Activi-tea Break

The horror of a flimsy Rich Tea collapsing into your brew is something no one wants to see. Always go chocolate Hobnobs – the popular variety being milk chocolate, with dark the sophisticated choice.


Jewson is running some terrifyingly good offers this Halloween, with 50% off all tool hire until the 31st October. For the chance to stick your fangs into these deals, book online or head over to your local branch for more information.