Apprentices. They come in handy sometimes, hey…
We’ve been having a think about what things we probably should NOT be telling our apprentices. They’re a great bunch and generally eager to please. Here’s a brief guide on how to keep them on-side.
‘Back in my day…’ – Yes and back then we all thought we’d have our own hoverboards by now. Get a grip, Graham.
‘Are you telling me you don’t know how to [INSERT ACTIVITY OF CHOICE]?’ Look. We all have to start somewhere. Be patient, even when it’s at least the tenth time they’ve asked. Unless they’re asking how to make a brew, in which case, have a stern word.
Just one of the phrases to steer clear of with the apprentice
‘If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times’
‘Fetch me a cuppa will ya?’ – It’s not always the apprentice’s turn. Introduce a rota for crying out loud.
‘If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times’ – Yes, but we’re ALL LEARNING aren’t we, Joe.
‘Just checking you understand how to use one of these’ – If they don’t, make sure they feel like you’ll explain how.
‘Shame about that match last night’ – Let’s not terrorise the poor kid when their team loses. Check in with your apprentice every now and again, and make sure you’re supporting them wherever you can. They’re a sound bunch and the future of our industry. And people like that Pete from four years ago who accidentally cemented himself to a newly-pointed wall are a rarity.