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The Green Deal is here!

No doubt you’ve read lots about it – but finally it’s here. The Green Deal is the government’s flagship eco policy, which aims to refurb 14 million homes by 2020 and help cut carbon emissions.

So what does that actually mean at the end of the day?

Well, in short it means that homeowners make energy efficient improvements to their homes (such as having a new boiler fitted, heating controls and a range of insulation work) with the aim of making their home more energy efficient.

This can be done without having to put the cash up front as a Green Deal Provider provides the capital – getting its money back via the homeowner’s energy bill.

All households and businesses are entitled to a Green Deal energy efficiency assessment, which can only be carried out by a certified Green Deal Advisor and work given the go-ahead must be carried out by an accredited Green Deal installer.

This means opportunities for lots of you out there, and many of you will already have taken training courses in preparation but if not, don’t worry the Green Deal is here till 2020. Keep your eyes peeled here as we’ll be bringing you regular updates on how our Greenworks Training Academy can help you get started.

Don’t forget you can also talk to our Greenworks team at Ecobuild on stand N1820. To register click here.