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Jewson Supports Bouygues to Close the Skills Gap

With 19 per cent of over 50s due to retire from the construction industry over the next five years[1], it’s important that we play our part to bring new talent into the sector.

With this in mind, we’ve recently worked with national construction experts, Bouygues UK, to support its Employment and Skills celebration event.

The awards evening was created to recognise the fantastic achievement of Bouygues reaching its employment and skills targets during the Thurston Road project in Lewisham.

In partnership with Jobcentre Plus, Lewisham and Southwark College and the London Borough of Lewisham, the national contractor supported residents local to the project with their educational and employment ambitions, which included providing training positions and advice on available job opportunities.

During the awards ceremony, local sub-contractors, local schools and apprentices all won awards, celebrating their success in areas like Best Achiever and Best Partner.

The ever increasing skills gap is a really topical issue at the moment, so these awards, which recognise the dedication of those working to improve their employability, couldn’t come at a more suitable time.

We know that it’s extremely important that we prepare our sector for the future and some of the responsibility sits with us as industry leaders. Through the continuation of employment events, such as Bouygues’ skills awards, we will encourage young people to get involved in this industry and to consider a career in the built environment.

[1] http://www.citb.co.uk/news-events/uk-construction-skills-time-bomb/