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Earlier this year, the Government removed VAT on the installation of a raft of energy-saving materials including loft insulation. The thought is that this will help make it more affordable for your customers looking to make their homes energy efficient. 

 The change will be effective until April 1, 2027, so you can now reduce the installation costs of loft insulation in home projects by taking VAT off the cost of labour. Hopefully this will make these jobs much more common over the next few years, so you’ll need to get up to speed with the best products and their key benefits. 

 Benefits to your customers 

According to the Energy Saving Trust, on average, 25% of a home’s heat is lost through the roof. 

Obviously, using additional energy to address this heat loss increases a home’s carbon emissions and energy bills. By investing in better loft insulation, figures suggest homeowner can actually save around £580 on their energy bills a year. This has probably increased in the last few months and will only get higher as the price of gas rises. 

 Obviously, bills are front of mind for you and your customers, so anything you can do to make their lives easier right now will be incredibly well received and well-sought after. 

 Good insulation also helps stop condensation in customers’ homes, reducing the chance of damp and mould rearing their ugly heads. As well as structural issues, these problems can also make your customers’ living spaces uncomfortable and unhealthy to be in.  

The long-term savings on energy bills and the reduction in carbon emissions that good loft insulation delivers means any home can be made to be more cost efficient to heat, healthier and more environmentally friendly.


What’s covered and what products should I use?  

One important thing to note is that the VAT relief only applies directly to the installation of loft insulation. You cannot take off VAT if the insulation is part of a larger job. Full details can be found on the Government website if you want more info.  

 In many homes, Isover’s Spacesaver range is a great choice for you and your customers. Available in 150mm thickness to meet current regulations, this glass mineral wool is suitable for most domestic insulation jobs. It’s also really easy to handle and install while also made to be as sustainable and heat-efficient as possible. 

 If you’re installing insulation boards, you may want to consider Celotex PIR boards. These two products from the Celotex 4000 range are suitable for use in the loft space: Celotex GA4000 or Celotex XR4000 

 These can provide the same insulating benefit as glass mineral wool, but with a thinner build-up. This can be useful if your customer wants to retain head-height in the loft.  

  Homes with existing loft insulation may require a top-up, either because the old insulation has settled and lost thickness over the years, or because it was not installed to the current recommended thickness of at least 150mm. 

 It looks like you might see a few more insulation jobs coming your way over the next few years. Find out more about the insulation available at Jewson by clicking here 

 For more energy saving tips and products, visit the Making Better Homes homepage. www.jewson.co.uk/making-better-homes.