There’s something really quite special about standing in the skeletal shell of a house that is over 100 years old. Its extreme nakedness only exaggerates the feeling of how to put it all back together again. Not only restoring it to its former glory but considering how many environmental boxes need to be ticked along the way. In these days of rocketing fuel prices and ever stringent building controls, sustainability is a key factor in any rebuild.
Not really knowing where to turn I called my branch at Colwick, Nottingham to seek some advice. They directed me to Jewson’s Sustainable Building Guide and e-learning gateway on sustainability. What a find! It’s basically an online training service that focuses on renewable and sustainable products and because it’s accessed through the internet there’s no travelling involved. Even the learning is green.
There’s a vast array of modules, tips and advice on everything from windows to photovoltaic systems to wood protection. There’s a catalogue that covers every aspect of build such as foundations, floors and walls through to insulation, renewables and ventilation.
I spent half a full day immersed in its rich content and emerged with a clear idea of which direction I wanted to continue in. This was bolstered by help from my local branch who were able to make further recommendations on the types of products that I’d seen. It’s a fabulous resource that’s bursting with excellent information.