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Helping to build a sustainable future

On Tuesday 21st September 2010 we held a sustainable future day at our branch in Sutton Fields Industrial Estate for anyone interested in environmentally friendly products and building materials.

The event saw presentations every hour from specialist suppliers covering topics such as, heat pumps, solar PV and solar thermal, rainwater harvesting, insulation and underfloor heating. Experts were on hand to answer questions and provide information, and as proud supporters of the Energy Saving Trust, our Hull team also held a number of Grant online 40 minute training courses, covering all aspects of energy efficient technology and products.

Malcolm Gough, Sustainable Solutions Market Manager at Jewson commented: “The open day was a huge success with a great attendance across the various seminars.  Those that attended were impressed with the high level of experience, help and information they received about the various energy saving technologies, Feed-in tariffs, legislation and new products available, whilst also gaining the necessary advice to help with meeting The Code for Sustainable Homes.”