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The Hosepipe Ban is here

According to the Environment Agency, East Anglia, the South East of England and South and East Yorkshire are in drought. This is why seven water companies across the South & East imposed a hosepipe ban last week. Further restrictions are expected to follow into West Yorkshire, Hampshire and Wiltshire.

While this may seem like bad news in the first instance it’s not all doom and gloom! There are many water saving products available, ranging from rainwater harvesters to water butts, which will help during this time of shortage. Now is the ideal time to brush up on these products and to highlight the benefits of them to your homeowner customers.

If you want to learn more about our water saving products pop into your local branch. A new water management guide will also be available at the end of the month to help!

Visit www.environment-agency.gov.uk for more info and advice on the areas affected by the drought.